Our dog had a litter of puppies– It took quite awhile that night. but 9 had arrived and all had survived And (we thought) they were doing alright.
We noticed a few hours later That most of them needed more heat. We took them from Mom And got them all warm, And each of them something to eat.
Four times within 24 hours We supplement fed all those pups. It took a long time (Don’t forget – there were NINE!) But we knew it was worth all the fuss.
We lacked the experience and knowledge To realize that things were not good. The puppies would cry, Their mother would try – She was doing all that she could
Oh no! We were sad to discover That one of our puppies had died. Then 2, and then 3 – Oh WHAT can it be? And here we thought we had tried.
We gave a quick call to Revival. They told us the things we would need. “They’re hungry” they told, “Dehydrated, cold” “We will fax you some info to read”.
We frantically gathered our items And stomach fed each of the 6. Electrolytes! First For those that are worst! Then formula next we will mix.
We weighed them and measured each portion, By using amounts on the chart. We fed, wiped and cleaned, ‘Twas endless, it seemed… The feeding just 2 hours apart.
Keep Oral Cal near for the whelping. Nuture Mate helps when they come. Puppy Lyte’s great To help rehydrate; GI Synbiotics after day one.
Foster Care formula for feedings, Oxy Momma helps her supply. Forti-Cal brought The energy sought… There’s so many things you can try.
The puppies all seemed to be gaining, The danger zone now had been passed. With thanks to Revival For each one’s survival The Knowledge they gave us was vast.
We’ve given ourselves an assignment: We’ll try to help others to learn. Get fully informed Before they are born, And you’ll always know which way to turn!
We received this amazing poem from a Revival customer. She gave us permission to share it on the blog, in hopes it helps other’s who are helping a dog give birth.
If you need help, call us at 800.786.4751.