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Cough Drop




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  • All-natural cough suppressant for dogs
  • Made with eucalyptus radiata, spike lavender and Ravensara
  • Calms and soothes traits associated with coughs and throat irritation



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Product Details
  • All-natural cough suppressant for dogs
  • Made with eucalyptus radiata, spike lavender and Ravensara
  • Calms and soothes traits associated with coughs and throat irritation
  • Helps relieve some symptoms of Kennel Cough
  • Quick acting
Product Expiration Dates
A natural cough suppressant that calms and soothes coughs, opens up breathing passages, kills airborne bacteria and viruses, and stimulates the immune system. This quick acting blend of essential oils has antiviral, antibacterial, antitussive, antihistamine and anticatarrhal properties. Can help relieve some symptoms of Kennel Cough.
Cautions: Do not use on puppies under 10 weeks old.
Shake well for 3 seconds. Thoroughly mist air surrounding your pet allowing him to breathe comfortably. Apply every 3 hours until cough subsides.

Shake well before each use
For use on dogs only
Revansara, Eucalyptus, Radiata, Spike Lavender and other essential oils.
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