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Happy Jack® Mitex™




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  • Pesticide kills ear mites and stops the itch
  • Easy to apply
  • For use with dogs and cats



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Product Details
  • Pesticide kills ear mites and stops the itch
  • Easy to apply
  • For use with dogs and cats
  • Helps prevent infection caused by ear mites
  • Made in the USA
Product Expiration Dates
Although microscopic in size, ear mites are often a major problem for dogs and cats causing them to scratch at their ears and shake their heads from side to side. Happy Jack® Mitex™ is an effective pesticide that kills ear mites. Without treatment ear mites can cause itching, irritation and infection. The self-applicator bottle is easy to use. Made in the USA.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children and animals.
Keep away from heat.
Clean the ear thoroughly. Place the recommended number of drops in each ear once a day for 7 to 10 days.

Repeat the treatment in 2 weeks if necessary.

Body weight Dosage:
5 to 15 lb apply 4 to 5 drops
15 to 30 lb apply 5 to 10 drops
Over 30 lb apply 10 to 15 drops

It is a violation of federal law to use the product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
For use in dogs and cats.
Active ingredients: Pyrethrins 0.05%, piperonyl butoxide 0.50%
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