Breeding, Nutrition

How to Take Care of a Teacup Puppy | Raising Tiny Dogs

Are teacup puppies easy to take care of? The answer is not always. Raising a puppy that is less than two pounds takes a special skill and desire. So how do you take care of a teacup Yorkie, chihuahua, poodle or any other teacup pup? Here are some tips for caring for teacup dogs.

Teacup Puppy Care

The less-than-two-pound puppy needs to get on food and stay on food. They wean later in life, often near eight weeks. Eating is not different from other puppies, but with tiny puppies, they have little body mass for backup. They need multiple meals a day, and missing a meal makes them prone to hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is best prevented with high calorie supplements, two or three times a day, with soft food and granular or crushed vitamins, such as Doc Roy’s Daily Care several times a day. They should also have small kibble dry food in front of them at all times. There are several supplements that are helpful with weaning, and I would not hesitate to put them into your regimen:

  • Doc Roy’s® Forti Cal nutritional supplement – Give it to them twice a day minimum, and be sure to feed them afterwards. The vitamins are what are important here; the calories are just a plus. It can also be used for fast energy and strength if you do see hypoglycemia. Forti-Cal is not just helpful at weaning; it should be used for several months after sale, as well.
  • Rice baby cereal keeps bulk in the diet and needs to be used after the puppy is hypoglycemic. A three-day course is best, twice a day. The cereal moves easily through a syringe and you can add Forti-Cal and granular vitamins to it if you want. This helps keep the intestine moving and the appetite up. If they are on a lot of high calorie supplements, vitamins are important.
  • Puppies are born with a sterile gut – no bacteria. During the first few days, the mother will seed the puppy with good bacteria (probiotics) while cleaning and mothering them, giving them the ammo to fight against invading bacteria. That’s why it’s important to give probiotics to orphans or problem puppies the first few days and whenever they have GI upset. It’s also helpful during weaning to prevent diarrhea. All products are helpful so choose your favorite. I recommend Doc Roy’s® GI Synbiotics or Breeder’s Edge Nurture Flora given daily when needed.
  • Stay away from prophylactic antibiotics! Antibiotics interrupt the GI flora and good bacteria they need. If absolutely needed, you can use them – but not without a reason.

Extra Calories for Tiny Dogs and Kittens

Adding extra calories into the diet of a puppy isn’t always easy, especially when it is a small or “micro” breed. I have found success with this formula recipe I received from a friend.

  • 1 cup vanilla yogurt
  • 1 cup Doc Roy’s® Forti Cal
  • 3 tbs coconut oil
  • Chicken baby food – Stage 2
  • Baby rice cereal
  • Enough water to make it flow through a syringe or pump bottle. About 1 cup usually works well.

This formula with coconut oil is generally good for one week. I refrigerate half of it to extend its use but be sure to warm it up when it comes time for serving. If you used canned milk instead of water to dilute, keep in mind it will have a shorter shelf life and it won’t store well.

Feed 1 ml of this formula to tiny breeds and kittens, even on day one, to give them a boost and get them nursing aggressively. Many people who raise tiny dog breeds, give this formula twice a day, first thing in morning to get their energy up and again last thing in the evening so they do not have to worry about low calories while sleeping. This formula helps prevent hypoglycemia from occurring through the night.

This formula is also helpful for weaned puppies or puppies recovering that are a little thin. For these puppies, I like to add 5 ml of Breeder’s Edge® B Strong to give these puppies extra B vitamins and iron. B Strong helps to increase their appetite and red blood count production. Serve this mix to these puppies several times a day and you will notice an improved appetite and weight gain.

The tiny dog demands special care and attention to thrive. By providing enough nutrients, you can consistently raise healthy dogs and make sure they’ll provide someone with a new best friend!

Shop Puppy Care Supplies

If you need help or have more questions on how to care for a teacup Yorkie, chihuahua or other teacup puppy, call us at 800.786.4751.

Article originally written by Donald Bramlage, DVM, Revival’s Former Director of Veterinary Services. This article has been updated/reviewed by Dr. Greer.
Dr. Marty Greer, DVM

Written by: Marty Greer, DVM

Director of Veterinary Services

Marty Greer, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, has 40+ years’ experience in veterinary medicine, with special interests in canine reproduction and pediatrics. She received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Iowa State University in 1981. She’s served as Revival’s Director of Veterinary Services since 2019. In 2023, Dr. Greer was named the Westminster Kennel Club Veterinarian of the Year.

If you need help, call us at 800.786.4751.